Bro. Martin is man of imagination. To use his own words "it has always been my dream to build a Cathedral of Learning and to create in and around it an atmosphere that is healthy and refreshing to the active mind, intellectually stimulating and spiritually fostering and enriching; in other words, an atmosphere conducive to learning and becoming ... a complete man/ woman for a new millennium - someone imbued with a new humanism". The creation of the campus at Suvarnabhumi has realized his dream.
AU maintains two campuses: the original campus located at Hua Mak in the city, and the new campus at Suvarnabhumi. The Suvarnabhumi Campus is a “University in a park”, with 200 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, a mixture of architecture and lush tropical surroundings.
Bro. Martin's exceptional manifestation; transforming simple paddy field into grandest learning center: Suvarnabhumi Campus!
His foresight and talents realized as recorded in the book entitled “จากทุ่งนา สู่อาสนวิหารแห่งการเรียนรู้.” Click the following link to find out more!